Personalized Accounting System for the Administrator of Non-State Pension Funds
The customer was provided with a System of personalized accounting for the administrator of non-state pension funds "Atlas SPO Extended".
During the process implementation the following services were provided:
- Installation of the system software,
- System configuration for customer processes (customization),
- User training,
- Technical Support.
Medirent developed the Optima-Capital Web portal for the administrator of Non-State Pension Funds. This portal is designed to automate the interaction between NPF and ANPF participants.
The web portal consists of two subsystems: an external Web portal for NPF participants, and an internal one for ANPF users.
The Optima-Capital web portal has implemented:
- External Subsystem:
- Initial registration of NPF participants: Establishing a pension contract, signed with a Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) and forwarding it to the ANPF,
- Participant's authentication on the portal by Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) or Username & Password,
- After registration of the Personalized Accounting System (PAS),
- Settings: change of passwords,
- Pension account statement for the period,
- Retirement account balance,
- Graphical Information on crediting funds to individual pension accounts,
- Graphical Information on debiting funds from individual pension accounts,
- Payment of pension contributions (using the API),
- Electronic document management of NPF participants when submitting personalized accounting documents:
- Individual Pension Contract,
- Application for Retirement Age Information,
- Application for Lump Sum payment,
- Contract for the payment of a pension for a specific period,
- Request for Change in Personal Data,
- Request for Change in Bank information.
- Internal Subsystem (administrative):
- Viewing and processing of documents submitted by NPF participants from an external Web portal,
- Documents for Registration or Refusal of Registration,
- QES signature of the NPF required.
Asset Management Company "Optima-Capital"
Banking & Finance
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