Information System for Supporting Inspection Activities & Maintaining Registers
The Information system for supporting inspection activities and maintaining registers created by Medirent is a single centralized 3-level system.
Users of the system are specialists at the district, regional and central levels of the State Service for Food safety and Consumer Protection of Ukraine.
The main tasks performed by the information system for supporting inspection activities and maintaining registers include:
- Maintaining Registers of:
- Market Operators,
- Capacities,
- Operational Permits,
- Exporters,
- Inspected Foreign Capacities.
- Planning and Conducting Inspections:
- Inspection Planning,
- Preparation and conduct of inspections,
- Registration and control of remedies based on inspection the results,
- Registration and control of protocols and resolutions,
- Suspension of power operation and suspension / cancellation of operating permits,
- Submissions to law enforcement agencies,
- Maintaining a register of complaints against businesses,
- Appeals against audit results,
- Generating reports on the status of implementation of audit plans,
- Generating statistical reports,
- Holding meetings.
- Data exchange with the laboratory results buffer,
- Maintaining a register of authorized persons:
- Maintaining a register of authorized persons,
- Maintaining a register of orders on approval of authorized persons.
- Conducting inspections:
- Maintaining department registers,
- Maintaining inspector registers,
- Imposing fines on inspectors.
- Audit of user actions in the system.
During the implementation of the project, an Information System was created to support inspection activities and register maintenance activities, put on trial, and conducted training of specialists at the regional and district levels.
State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection
Years of implementation
Public Administration
Products & Solutions