PFU Electronic Archives

Central Electronic Archive (CEA) is a subsystem of the Integrated Complex Information System of the Pension Fund of Ukraine (ICIS PFU). It is designed for accumulation, long-term storage and access provision to the electronic documents of the state pension system of Ukraine.

Such documents include any documents received by ICIS PFU during its implementation of pension provision processes:

  • scanned copies of primary documents with which citizens come to an appointment with PFU authorities, or which are submitted through PFU electronic services web portal
  • electronic documents that are created in the process of ICIS PFU functioning (references, extracts, reports...)
  • paper documents of the pension files that were transferred into electronic form, which are digitized in the process of PFU retroconversion system functioning (Automated system for digitizing of pension case archives and electronic documents storage)

The strategic results of the CEA implementation into PFU are:

  • Transfer to paperless technologies (PaperLess) in the functioning of the state pension system
  • Gradual rejection of the pension files huge paper archives
  • Minimization of risks and problems related to paper archives: document loss, personal data leakage, significant time spent on working with paper copies of documents, the need to transfer pension files when a pensioner changes their place of residence
  • Ensuring the extraterritorial principle of service to citizens (pension file is available anywhere in Ukraine)

The size of the CEA database exceeds 150 TB.

Pension Fund of Ukraine
Years of implementation
Public Administration
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